Mishkeegogamang First Nation



Mishkeegogamang is policed by the Nishnawbe-Aski Police Service (NAPS) It is one of 20 detachments in the NAPS Northwest Region. The Mishkeegogamang NAPS detachment has an office and four officers. NAPS can also refer cases to the Pickle Lake detachment of the Ontario Provincial Police, in Pickle Lake.


About NAPS

NAPS provides police coverage and resources to a wide range of aboriginal communities in Canada. It provides a community-oriented service and represents the First Nations in order to improve quality of life as well as the strength of these communities.

NAPS Headquarters: Thunder Bay
309 Court Street South
Thunder Bay, ON P7B 2Y1
Telephone: 1-800-654-NAPS (6277)

NAPS Northwest Regional Headquarters: Sioux Lookout
P.O. Box 698
Sioux Lookout, Ontario
Tel: (807) 737-4045

NAPS facts

  • NAPS is the largest First Nations police service in Canada.
  • NAPS is the 2nd largest First Nations police service in North America.
  • NAPS employs over 134 uniform officers and 30 civilians.
  • NAPS polices 35 communities across the NAN territory which encompasses nearly 2/3 of the Province of Ontario. Thunder Bay to Hudson's Bay; Manitoba to Quebec.
  • NAPS is the 2nd only police service in Ontario to have its own operational plane. It flew 876 hours in 2006.
  • NAPS' officers are sworn Constables with authority throughout the Province of Ontario.
  • Salary and benefits at NAPS are consistent with the top 10 police services in Ontario.
  • Training and promotional opportunities at NAPS are abundant.
  • There are several tribal affiliations within NAN which result in 3 distinct languages including: Ojibwe, Oji-Cree and Cree.
  • There is great diversity in culture and structure of committees in the NAN territory.
  • NAPS has operational linkages to federal, provincial and municipal police services.